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About Us

Our Mission.

To dramatically reduce the world’s dependence on environmentally stressful chemicals in agricultural and municipal water and wastewater environments.

Our Vision.

A world of clear clean water.


The name evokes vast stretches of sparkling clean water whilst embracing a microscopic ion –  the foundation of our technology. Achieving our expansive vision means a commitment to the smallest details of our science. There is much in a name. Not everything we deal with is pretty. In fact, we’re often knee-deep in slime, sludge and things we like to call organic solids. Yet we take heart knowing we are restoring equilibrium.  Returning the natural order to balance. That is a beautiful thing.

OCION Water Sciences Inc. is a privately held British Columbia Canada based company that develops, manufactures and markets environmentally responsible mineral-based products  internationally.


Corporate Values

We’re committed to measuring our success against a quadruple bottom line. Our values show us how to get there. We consider them pivotal to our competitive advantage:

The Board of Directors of OCION Water Sciences Inc. sets high standards for the Company’s employees, officers and directors. Implicit in this philosophy is the importance of sound corporate governance. It is the duty of the Board of Directors to serve as a prudent fiduciary for shareholders and to oversee the management of the Company’s business.


About our company

Water Operator

Town of Oliver

The town of Oliver owns and operates a 20 km long gravity canal for irrigation and domestic water. The growth of algae in the canal during mid-summer was the cause of numerous complaints from water users. Dramatically within a day after treatment with PX10 almost all algae was gone or dying. No more algae have reappeared since application 8 weeks ago. PX10 is the best product that we have ever used in treating algae growth; it has saved the Town labour costs and has delivered better quality water to users.

Sophie He


I heard of this product of your recently from one of my friends in Hong Kong, and have tried it on some vegetables and fruits myself, and was surprised to the results. It really kept them fresh for ten days under the hot temperature of summer in China. I’m really interested in it and eager to use plenty of your product. Thanks!

Ted Apperloo

Windy Ridge Farms, Abbotsford

Thank you for your assistance in controlling manure odors from our broiler breeder farm.  After 3 – 4 days we already knew OCION BD41 was working because the odor was completely gone.

Ian G. Cooke

Production Manager

Before using OCION BD41, approximately 20% of the lagoon’s volume would settle as organic waste. Now, we find that no settling of the waste takes place. Odorous gases have been reduced very significantly especially during the hot weather.  As an added bonus OCION BD41 has greatly reduced the foaming action of the effluent on top of the waste lagoons. The overall results are a significant improvement in the control of our waste treatment.